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En ljud- och dansshow av Aloun Marchal 

Age: Vuxen/Adult 

Trailer: Lina och Niklas Ikse

(In english further down)

SonoR är en hyllning till lekfullhet och förvandling. Utrustade med trådlösa mikrofoner skapar artisterna ständigt föränderliga landskap av ljud, musik, dans och rörelse. De fyra kvinnorna använder sig av varandras kroppar, reser genom konkreta fysiska situationer och föder drömlika scenerier. I en kontinuerlig transformation uppstår havsbrus, ukrainsk sång, monstruösa karaktärer och en konsert av kroppsliga trummor.

Föreställningens längd: 50 minuter



SonoR is an ode to playfulness. From playing music to playing dead, from playing dancer to playing at sounding like a seashore landscape, the four performers in SonoR transform themselves along with the games they play. Equipped with wireless microphones, they shape what is to be heard as much as they reveal what is to be seen. Shifting from monstrous characters to Ukrainian folk singers or powerful drummers of each others’ bodies, the four women in SonoR utilize and share their corporeal complexities. They open a path through inner landscapes and through intensely concrete situations onstage.

The performance is 50 minutes long.



Aloun Marchal is an improviser, performer and choreographer. He is a French artist, living in Göteborg - Sweden. In 2008 and 2012, he received the Danceweb scolarship. He created the play Gerro, Minos and Him with Simon Tanguy and Roger Sala
Reyner. In 2010, they received the second award of Danse Elargie and in 2013, the best dance piece award in StuttgarterTanz und Theater Festival. In 2017, he created the
piece Bibi Ha Bibi with Henrique Furtado and received the innovation writing grant from la SACD. He then co- choreographed the play l'âge D'or with Eric Minh Cuong

Castaing in 2018 and Forme(s) de vie in 2021. He currently performs those three pieces. He has just worked as a performer for Tove Sahlin in her new creation Narheten, to be repremiered in September 2022.

Aloun decided to work in the dance field when he understood that thinking was not enough. At this moment, he felt he wasn't able to experience anything without naming it. Something like a wanderer unable to take his eyes away from the map. Since then he is fascinated by the process of making sense.


Gilda Stillbäck

Mathilde Rance

Nelly Zagora

Sandra Abouav 

Konstnärlig idé
Aloun Marchal

Aloun Marchal. 

Musikalisk rådgivning
Aurelio Edler Copes

Celine Cartillier

Anna Sefve

Eduardo Abdala

Rasmus Persson

Nelson Lima

Siège (Fr)


Théâtre de Vanves (FR), Dans och teater festival Göteborg (SE),
Charleroi danse,
Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie  (BE)



Atalante, Vitlycke Center of Performing Arts,  Förvaltningen för Kulturutveckling,
Secret Hotel (Danmark) Menu Spaustuvè (Litauen)


Med stöd av:

Kulturrådet, Konstnärsnämnden, Göteborgs Stad,
Västra Götalandsregionen, Folkuniverstitetet 
DRAC Ile de France.

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